LAPP Mission Statement

To bring together members of the Boothbay Region community to create a model of local sustainable living that includes growing our food, creating local jobs for people of all ages, creating beauty in our town center, educating our youth, lowering our carbon footprint and making light, fun work with many hands.

Medomak Valley High School Greenhouse, Garden Project

Medomak Valley High School Greenhouse, Garden Project
Field trip is now scheduled for 2/4/10. That was fast!

Monday, January 25, 2010

When we are ready, I hope for LAPP to join this network: Rooted in Community - check it out!

Wednesday, Jan 27th, we will have our second meeting to date to begin a discussion about the HS greenhouse
design process, led by the students.
Stay tuned!!!
Field trip to Medomak Valley next week!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Opening minds, feeding mouths, building friendship...

Peninsula Garden Project (PGP): Mission Statement

"We the Boothbay Region High School senior Environmental Science Class, commit ourselves to educate, beautify, and unify the peninsula by building and maintaining a greenhouse that will be connected to a community garden dedicated to providing food and friendship."

(this mission statement was written by this years Environmental Science class in their excitement to be part of a beautiful project for their school and community in the fall of '09. Lapp has been created to include all of those in the community who want to be part of this and to spearhead the many facets of the project, but I wanted to show how dedicated this class feels about seeing this project to it's fruition).


Setting Dates

Our field trip to Medomak Valley Greenhouse is set, Thursday, February 4th in the morning. Time to be announced soon.

Lauren's environmentalism class will be designing the Greenhouse with the help of the LAPP board.

Things are rolling along!

Hoping to ramp up this blog site as soon as I learn how and can't wait to make artwork for it!

Now to find my non-profit partner.......:)!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

January 13, 2010

Too late to write all that happened, but maybe I can list it:
1). Talk with Mama D's about buying organic greens and produce from both BRHS greenhouse program and community garden. Also discussed beautification of the "Gateway" to Boothbay Harbor and benefits of Eco-Tourism to our Tourism economy.

2). Student Health Advisory Meeting at BRHS: Food improvement initiative
made strides today in having Dan Welch, BRHS principal, attend meeting to back up the kids desire to have an expanded salad bar and healthful sandwich bar added to the lunch options. A list was drafted and students signed on to meet with Darlene French of Food Services to make these positive changes.

3). Talked to Bill Smith about the trip to the AEWC at Orono, the windblade
testing company that is part of the university with the Wind blade competition team and other interested students at BRHS. This trip will happen in Feb or March.

4). Long talk with Tracey Hall about the LAPP vision and how it ties in with her work with Lisa McSwain on getting permission to have a community garden at Penny Lake. Tracey is totally on board to help with the High School aspect of the vision including work in the design of and function of the new greenhouse.

5). Visited Neil Lash at Medomak Valley High School to see the mixed greens growing operation up close in the winter months. He is very knowledgeable and very willing to share his knowledge with the students and staff of BRHS in a pending field trip.

5). Great talk with Ntina tonight about creating artwork for LAPP members.

which leads me to my excitement over creating artwork for all of this, including this blog!

prayers to Haiti

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Day One of the LAPP blog. Here we go!